Our values

An infinity sign connecting two people holding hands

Inclusive Environment

Handshake forming a heart shape


Two hands holding on to each other's arms

Mutual Support

Hand holding a compass


Badge with a woman and a star

Professional Excellence


Founded in 1950, the Society of Women Engineer (SWE) is a non-profit educational service organization that empowers professionals and students to find success in engineering. SWE's mission is to provide a supportive environment for people of all genders to network and grow as engineers.

At SWE UW, we focus on bridging the gap between college and career. Whether a student is starting school or graduating, our goal is to provide the best resources for students to take the next step in their careers.

We are passionate about our member's growth and success, and continually strive to support the challenges that women face in today's STEM field.

The SWE UW community extends beyond the college campus. We are proud to have strong partnerships with companies and local K-14 schools that share the same commitment of building an inclusive environment for engineers of all ages.


Our community






K-14 schools



industry mentors


SWE UW is committed to providing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization.